Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Increase Your Creativity

On “Read more”, you can find some useful advice that will help you increase your creativity and that will stimulate your creative thought processes. 
Create a calm and quiet environment where your brain can relax. Try to isolate yourself and your thoughts from your surroundings and concentrate on that peaceful moment you’ve produced. Listen to the thoughts and ideas that are coming to you while you are enjoying the silence.

Sometimes, the opposite will need to happen – you will need (or want) to be stimulated in a loud environment. In that case, find some music that you enjoy and that generates new thoughts in your head. Classical music is very popular in this regard (relaxation and inspiration), but you can choose any type of music that makes you comfortable and/or makes you think.

Write down your ideas. Putting thoughts to paper will help you focus on creating new ideas and discoveries, as well as on expanding the existing ideas.

Play games, possibly ones that incorporate characters and/or a need for using your imagination. Follow your characters in their “exploits” and it will take you a step further (in the game and in your creative process).

SUPERNOVA is a newly established school of life that offers education, counseling and psychotherapy. As part of our services, we incorporate a personal growth & development center (for groups and individuals), psychotherapy & counseling, psycho-diagnostics, career center, training programs for business clients and companies, workshops for management & development of human resources, coaching etc.  

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