Friday, April 8, 2011

How to Improve your Short-Term Memory

If you have difficulties remembering information that you've accumulated today, last week or last month, there's no need for fear. There are a couple of simple and easy-to-do ways to bring your short-term memory up to speed.  
Keep your brain active with games like putting together puzzles, solving crosswords, solving math & logic tests or playing video games. The Internet offers a lot of small but useful Flash games that will be more than stimulating. You can find some interesting tests here, on our blog (specifically, the visual logic test here and the IQ tests here and here).

Borrow or buy picture cards i.e. memory cards, or combine two regular sets of cards. Spread the cards on a table and open them two by two, trying to match up identical cards.

Keeping physically fit is also important for your memory. Do aerobic, walk and stretch regularly to improve your body’s blood flow circulation, including your brain. Also, try to get more vitamin B6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, they are essential nutrients for improving the overall brain function.

Meditate. Get some DVD or CD with meditation exercises. Pick a time in the day when it’s most quiet and when you won’t be disturbed. Meditation helps reduce stress and improves your memory altogether.

Last, but not least, sleep well. Try to sleep a minimum of 7 hours each night. Our brain functions better after a good night’s sleep.
SUPERNOVA is a newly established school of life that offers education, counseling and psychotherapy. As part of our services, we incorporate a personal growth & development center (for groups and individuals), psychotherapy & counseling, psycho-diagnostics, career center, training programs for business clients and companies, workshops for management & development of human resources, coaching etc.

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