Friday, April 15, 2011

How to Accept Being Shy

If you’re shy, it doesn’t mean you are alone. Lots of people claim they are shy and they hide it well. To be shy means to be sensitive. Sometimes shyness is perceived as a weakness, but it can have a lot of positive qualities. Once you accept your shy persona, you will conquer that weakness. Read the following advice on how to do just that. 
Think about beautiful and comfortable things. Shy people can be very good listeners, full of understanding, compassion and all those things that characterize a good friend.

Look for the positive attributes of your shyness in order to be successful in your career. Shy people are more attentive, more careful and they receive information better – all of which are qualities that lead to success.

Speak your mind. The more you talk, the easier it will be to be open and relaxed with other people. If public speaking presents you with too big of a challenge, you may consider a career in the arts, writing etc.

Search for relationships that suit you. Being shy doesn’t mean that you are socially isolated. There are a lot of people in the world that are just like you.

Practice your social awareness. Focus on helping others. Be aware of yourself, but don’t be self-conscious.

SUPERNOVA is a newly established school of life that offers education, counseling and psychotherapy. As part of our services, we incorporate a personal growth & development center (for groups and individuals), psychotherapy & counseling, psycho-diagnostics, career center, training programs for business clients and companies, workshops for management & development of human resources, coaching etc.   

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